I caught up to
Marcus and Dr Keaton making their way to the interview room as well. When I
looked at Marcus he seemed pale and a little shaken. “Are you OK Father?” I
asked him quietly and he just turned to me and nodded slightly.
The interview exam
room was a simple, cold space with three chairs, a table, and a barred window
looking out into the hallway. It smelled like chlorine in there, probably piss.
We saw Douglas Henslowe from behind, a large man sitting in a chair. The doctor
introduced us to Henslowe, and then took to standing at the rear of the room,
within earshot of our interview.
Douglas was happy to
talk about what happened in ’24, relieved almost. “We were travelling the
country, hot on the trail of the cult that started all of this. We questioned
people, gathered evidence, took pictures, travelled all over. We were like
detectives, armed with our secret knowledge in the occult. It was an exciting
He spoke with a bit
of a Southern accent and used long, drawn-out sentences. “We’d followed the
drugs all the way across the country until we got to Los Angeles. That’s where
the bulk of our investigation took place. That’s where everything terrible
happened.” He paused for a moment and picked at his cuticles.
He went on detailing
the members of the group. “There was Walter Winston of course, he was our
leader. It was he who gathered us together to battle the perversity in the
world that this cult represented. He funded us, too. Good man. A good man.”
“Vince Stack was a
tough fellow. Walter called him a “fixer.” Good with a gun, good with his
hands, always down to business, always ready with a drink. He’s the one who
waded right in there, that night, and brought hell to some of those cultists
with his shotgun.”
“Katherine Clark,
such a sharp girl. She was our archivist, camerawoman, and record keeper. She
hated that something like that cult could operate in secret, that people would
cover up something so vile instead of revealing it for what it was, I think.
Yet she’s the one who got close enough to it all to get us photographs. And
she’s the one who caught wind of what was happening that night in ‘24. She died
that night.”
“And, of course,
F.C. Kullman was Walter’s expert in the occult. Apparently he was known far and
wide for his expertise, back in the day. Walter had to pay him quite a bit to
come with us out to Los Angeles, as I recall. A bit of a stick in the mud, that
fellow, but bright as can be. Stuck in a wheelchair, too, but a can-do attitude.”
“Walter was the
brains of our little band. He and F.C. did the research into what that cult was
planning — into the summoning — and determined that they were using drug monies
to fund their operation. It was they who figured out that the cult was already
in contact with that dreadful thing, the Thing With a Thousand Mouths, and were
planning to summon it, or an incarnation of it, to that barn outside Los
He continued then,
telling us the events of the night of ’24 and we could see it caused him some anguish.
“We rushed out to the barn as soon as we got word that so many of the cultists
were meeting up out there. Walter said that the stars were right that night,
too. Whatever that means. So we rushed out there with guns and homemade
firebombs to put a stop to it. To save the world.”
“And a lot of people
died that night.” He paused, picking at his cuticles again. “It was a horrific
fire. And there was a shootout. When that Thing began tearing people apart,
people were running and screaming and throwing themselves into the fire and into
our line of fire. I know I shot some people that night. Probably killed them.
“Then the Thing came
for us and I saw Walter panic — I’d never seen him panic — and then all I know
is that I was bolting through the high grasses with the fire behind me. Like a
coward. Like a damned coward.” We tried to console him, tell him he had done
the right thing, but he wasn’t really listening to us.
“It was the cult’s
fault. They were depraved. They were fornicating in the name of their wicked
god, in groups. They did drugs I’ve never even heard of and hurt each other for
sport. They were monsters.”
“I hid my notebook
away with a secret key to understanding more of what was going on back then.
And what is almost certainly still going on, since we failed. You want to know
where it is? Ask Frank Hickering, back at my estate.”
He asked for a pen
and tore a page from the Father’s notebook. “Take this note and give it to the
groundskeeper at the house on Old Hope road. He’ll let you look around.”
We asked Henslowe why
he thought they had failed that night to stop what ever had been going on. He
said he knew they had for sure. He had seen the “mouths” here in the hospital,
the Thing was here, and it was coming for him. To my shock and surprise, Marcus
agreed that he had seen it too. A mouth in the wall!? I looked at Marcus and
could see it in his face that he believed the words he was saying. I didn’t
like what Douglas was telling us, not one bit. I could believe he was insane,
but now that Marcus was agreeing with him, Hell was I insane?
Henslowe was looking
pretty agitated by now and when the doctor began to approach him, he quickly
got to his feet and turned to leave. He turned abruptly and said “I remember
putting material in a safe deposit box in Los Angeles. I think it was the First
Bank of Venice Beach. No, wait. Long Beach. First Bank of Long Beach. It was in
my name. By that point, Winston had already left town. And the others…”
Mr Keaton cut him
off and the orderlies escorted Henslowe out of the room. “I don’t know exactly
what happened to Douglas out in Los Angeles,” he told us, “but whatever it was,
it involved gunplay, murder and a fire, and it was too much for him to
internalize. He’s concocted this elaborate story that externalizes his fear
into some kind of terrible monster.” He told us that he would bring in Mr Job straight
We only had a moment
before Edgar Job was led into the room. I lent over to Marcus, forgot what I
really wanted to say and told him I had taken the files. I asked him again if
he was OK. Maybe I needed someone to ask me the same.
Edgar Job was a
pathetic figure; skinny, with stubble all over his face and scalp. He reminded
me of prisoners of war I had seen in France, but dressed in the white-scrubs
uniform of a Joy Grove Sanatorium patient. His mouth stunk of mouthwash and he smoked
throughout the entire interview.
We introduced
ourselves and asked him about what happened in ’24 and he responded “Dr. Keaton
doesn’t want me to relive those days or, uh, to, uh… externalize my fears. He
don’t like me talking about monsters unless they’re me.” We reassured him and
Keaton told him to go on. He told us he was just a mathematician, a good one,
real smart. One of his professors at UCLA, a George Ayers, introduced him to a
man called Echavarria.
“That Echavarria, if
that was his real name, had a hell of a library. Creepy books. He gave us ideas
for things to do, sex things and things to say, out of those books. He threw
damn crazy parties. Sex. Drugs. I was basically high from 1923 through August
of ‘24. So my memory is not good. I remember, you know, a lot of sex. And the
drugs Echavarria got us. Potent stuff.” I didn’t like the way Edgar talked. He irked
me and I felt an urge to punch him in the button.
“He promised us all.
Promised me power. He said that: ‘power.’ Said we’d all get whatever we wanted
in the new time, when Gol-Goroth was here. We called him the Fisher From
Outside for some reason. This isn’t what I wanted. Echavarria put spells on us.
Or on me, anyway. The night of the summoning. This spell, I guess it was kind
of a big deal. He put it on me the night of the summoning, right before the
Fisher, or, or, the Thing, showed up. I don’t know what it was supposed to do,
but I survived, so… maybe that’s something.”
He kept looking over
his shoulder at the doc, like at any moment they were gonna grab him and lock
him up. He lowered his voice and leant in closer. Job told us how things went
wrong, how these people arrived and started shooting everyone. “This one guy,
with a shotgun, just blew Echavarria away. Shot him right down. I stabbed that
guy with Echavarria’s knife, this big ugly knife, a few times. To get away. I
was so sure he was going to kill me, too, and I had to get away from there. I
know it was wrong. I see his face every night. I can’t undo it, so it’s best if
I just move on. That’s what Dr. Keaton says.”
Then he told us
about when the Thing arrived and it got even worse. “It had long, weird limbs
and no head, but mouths, lots of mouths. I couldn’t really make it out, and I
didn’t really try. I know I was screaming. Just screaming. And then I stabbed
that guy, Vincent Stack, and ran the hell out of there into the fields. Whatever
that thing was that we summoned… it wasn’t what we were promised. It wasn’t
what he said it would be. And that thing is still out there.”
Marcus asked him
about the Thing being here. Told him that it was here. I told him “we’d” seen it too, I’m
not exactly sure why, I hoped it’d distress Edgar. He said he knew, and that’s
why he put the symbols on the walls. He smiled and said “We both do that,
Henslowe and me. I know he watches us, the thing we summoned. But maybe he
can’t see us if we put up those marks. Echavarria used to have them in his
library, showed them to me. That’s how I learned that it’s sometimes called
‘the Thing With a Thousand Mouths,’ too. These old things, they have a lot of
My mind was reeling
and I felt like I wanted to throw up. Thankfully Keaton interjected, saying
that Edgar had had enough and told the orderlies to remove him from the room.
We both sat there for a while a little dumbfounded. What the Hell was happening?