Friday 20 October 2017

Session 05 - Marcus Black

I gripped my pistol tightly, not willing to let the same treatment be repeated.  Carter made his way into the pub to use the phone, he told me he was going to call Frank to come and get us.
I made my way to the mouth of the alley, Carter returned shortly after I took up a slouched position against the wall.  It was only when Carter returned that I noticed he looked as bad as I felt, his face also badly damaged by something.
He only held my gaze for a moment, as I noticed out of my partially closed eye, a car up the street, a man sitting in it, the engine running.  I thumbed the hammer back on my Webley as I made Carter aware of it too.
The next few minutes seemed like an eternity, Frank finally arrived and hustled me into the back seat, I also heard him and Carter moving our possessions from our car to his own, knowing that there was no way either of us were in any position to drive.
We spoke briefly in the car, it was all such a blur, I was to be dropped at the closest hospital for care while Frank and Carter made their way back to our hotel.  The next thing I remember, I was being injected by nurses and doctors before passing out entirely.
Image result for 1930's hospital
The exterior of the Hospital
I woke to find myself in a dimly lit hospital room, alone in bed, a hospital gown clothed me, my own not in sight.  I panicked and unsteadily rose from my back, my body ached, I searched the room to find my clothes and belongings located in a small wardrobe.  I grabbed my pistol before returning to my bed, hiding it under the covers, paranoid that another assault may be just outside the door.  On my bedside table was a large bowl of grapes and a small card, “Get well soon, Jack”.
Clearly the man who had doled out one of the most brutal beatings of my life was aware of where I was.  The doctor came in to find me awake, yet still dazed from the sedatives and the beating.  I asked him if I could use a phone, I needed to call Carter and explain the haste in which I wanted to leave the hospital.
I had to wait until morning, it was too late now for Frank to come to retrieve me, semi comfortable with my surroundings I did my best to get some sleep.
I rose sharply in the morning, my head pounding.  Carter soon entered my room, he was also clad in a hospital gown, his body somewhat broken based on the way he walked.  He told me of what had happened to him last night, I returned the gesture and told him of my beating in the alley.  We both agreed that we needed to lay low for a while as this had taken a sharp turn for the negative within the last 24 hours.
Getting dressed, we met Frank at the car and relocated to a smaller, quieter hotel, we wanted to look like we had left LA for now.  Carter had sent Frank to follow the man who silently observed us from his car, he had followed us to where I was dropped at the hospital.  Once we had gotten ourselves settled, Frank informed us that the man who had been following us was a Private Investigator named Jack.  He continued to tell us of the small office he worked out of, I couldn’t help but draw similarities to Carter from Frank’s observations.  He continued to tell us about his confrontation with Jack, he had been paid to watch us, given our descriptions and what to look out for.  Frank had also retrieved the money Jack was paid, along with the details of the beating he had given Jack in the process, close to $1000 had been given to Jack just to hinder us.  Clearly those behind it had no limit to their financials, much like Ms Winston-Rodgers.
We also learned that Jack had been hired by a man named Samson Trammell and someone in his employ only known as Captain Walker, the same men who had purchased the books from Echiavarria’s library.  Clearly he was a key figure in the continuing work of the cult.  Frank also gave us all the information regarding Jack, where he worked, where he lived, and the fact that he may not be walking any time soon, a fact that although shameful, I did take pleasure in knowing.
We spent the next few days resting in our new hotel, unable to move freely, it seemed like the best option until our wounds healed, if not completely, for the most part.
I spent my time re-reading the books that we had come into possession of, as well as doing what I could to start sorting and organising the notes and journals of Professor Ayers.  It was a gruelling process but one that required my attention as Carted seemed allergic to the written word.
After our bodies had regained their strength we decided that it was time to begin our investigation of this Trammell man, clearly a player in the big scheme of things.  He was not hard to track down for Carter, he was a high society man based in Pasadena California, his address was an item of public record, so we decided that a visit was in order, after we had made a quick visit to Jack, both Carter and I had an unrelenting grievance with that man.
 The journey to Pasadena was long, I felt every bump of the road as my body began once more to show signs of its previous beating.
We landed calmly, Carter had decided that more suitable protection was required and we decided to purchase some additional firepower as a deterrent for any further would be assaulters.  We purchased a pair of shotguns, lever action, I had seen in my travels a hunter use one cut down and hidden beneath is cloak while in Africa years ago, it seemed like a good idea to follow his example.

Based Carter’s aptitude for detective work, it was not hard to find the location of Trammell’s estate.  It was a massive estate, clearly from the surroundings, it was a high society area.  We hired a car and made good time to the neighborhood.
We drove past the estate slowly, even though both of us were paranoid as to the beating we had taken, and were certainly not keen for more, we drove at a pace as if someone had taken a wrong turn and was returning to the main road.
After a lengthy discussion, Carter and I decided that our best way past the army of Hispanic garden staff on the other side of the iron gate and long driveway was to pose as book collectors searching for books Trammell had recently purchased.  As uncouth as Carter was, I was going to do the talking, regardless of how many teeth I had missing.
We approached the gate, a large bell hung silently, Carter remained in the car as I wrung the bell.  A Hispanic man approached me flanked by two large dogs, I discussed our business with him before he withdrew to find someone more fluent in English.
A large bushy moustached man emerged a few minutes later, Carter was now out of the car and leaning on its tyres.
I began my sale of our identities to this man, who from the outset, seemed shocked and aggressive.  After being refused several times to enter, I asked his name, “Walker, Captain Walker” he replied.  My heart sunk as our identities were shed, he called us both by name as told us to go home, clearly meaning that we would be removed any way possible.
I exchanged fierce looks with the man before Carter hurried me back into the car.  Clearly the time for sneaking around and deception was over.
We decided to return to New York, having quickly made the conclusion that whatever was happening in California was somehow centred at this residence.  It was time to inform Janet of our findings, as well as taking some time to return home for rest, with one quick stop along the way.
We set out at once for Jack’s office only to find it closed, Carter fiddled with the lock and upon entry, Jack had clearly left in a hurry, his office was a shambles, the smell of damp dust lingering.  His home was our next port of call, again, empty, a small flat that seemed barely lived in, stale food and mouldy produce littered the small kitchen, again, clothes and belongings strewn across every room.  He had clearly left town, not wanting to be found.
Before we left the premises, I had a strange feeling come over me, I had to leave a note.  On his desk I cleared a space and placed there a single piece of paper, “Get well soon, M.” I used one of my shotgun shells as a paper weight to make my point.
We returned to the plane for our return to New York, the trip somehow seemed empty, most likely due to the fact that Jack had eluded me, I’m sure the feeling will pass.

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